Sale Through March 27th
Spruce up for Spring! Our Mother’s Day fundraiser includes a variety of flowers from our local Fessler’s Nursery. Order hanging baskets of New Guinea impatiens, fuchsias, calibrachoas, petunias, ivy geraniums, and mixed flowers. We also have gorgeous mixed flower patio planters and flats of zonal geraniums for planting. See the flyer for additional information. Make purchases online at: SSHS Music Boosters Online Store
Net proceeds from the sale will benefit student music accounts. Students can use funds they raise for music-related activities like instruments, private lessons, musical fees, trips, and more. Supporters are encouraged to purchase from or on behalf of a student to help them reach their fundraising goals. Supporters who do not purchase from or on behalf of a student will need to pick up their orders on the designated pick-up day(s).
Pick-up Location & Contact Info
Pick-up: Monday, May 6th
3:30-5:30 pm
Location: South Salem High School
1910 Church St. SE
Salem, OR 97302
Pick-up from Music Wing
Entrance in small parking lot at Howard & Winter Streets
Flower Fundraiser Questions?
Contact the Coordinators
- Christy Baty, text/call: 503-428-6224
- Jen Ackerson,
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